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How do I look on my Branding Photos?

Autorenbild: Sandra DoerpinghausSandra Doerpinghaus

First of all, I would like to point out that I specialize in photographing women. Since I belong to this vain species myself, I know how you might feel. I want a radiant look, a few years younger couldn't hurt either and if you guess me a few pounds lighter, I'm pretty happy. Take a look around my website - Nobody is perfect - but we can all look beautiful on our branding photos.

What the cosmetic surgeon does with his knife, I do with lights and poses. Nothing is snipped away here, because people should still recognize you when they get to know you personally. First, we put everything in the right light for a radiantly fresh complexion (softens wrinkles and so on) and work with body poses for the perfect silhouette, feminine but professional. "Oh god, that sounds complicated?" No way, you won't even notice anything, because we make it so natural and playful that you think you're having coffee with your best friend.

What does that mean specifically for my photoshoot?

Branding is not about showing off a perfect fantasy image of you and your company. Branding builds a bridge from person to person. From your company to your customer. Make it personal on your website and especially on your social media platforms, then your online visitors can identify themselves with you and fall in love with your business. What does that mean specifically for my photo shoot? This is where our conversation and planning come into play. Do you get weak at the sight of donuts? Great, then bring the most beautiful donuts with you to our photo shoot, there is nothing like a few cute props in the photos and it just makes you sympathetic. Do you prefer to move around the city by bike? That also finds a place in your photos and I'm sure there are a lot of people who think it's great and so you have another advantage over your competition.

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©2016 by Sandra Doerpinghaus at HandcraftedPhotos

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